BTN Cloud Rules
Use cloud rules from the BTN network. You need to configure PBH to connect to BTN in advance.
If only BTN is connected but the BTN rules module is not enabled, only upload data will be submitted, and BTN cloud rules will not be used.
Configuration File
# BitTorrent Threat Network 威胁防护网络(测试版)
# BitTorrent Threat Network (BETA)
# 启用 BTN 模块
# 启用后,才可以使用由 BTN 提供的云规则功能
# 为了隐私起见,此功能需要您手动启用
# Enable BTN module, all settings below will only take effects if you turn this on.
enabled: false
# 启用数据提交
# BTN 网络基于所有启用此功能的用户提交的数据,对 Peers 进行可信度验证
# 通过启用此选项,您也会加入 BTN 网络并提交您的 Torrent 上的活动
# 以下信息将被发送到 BTN 实例;
# 您的 Torrent 列表(包括:Torrent 种子摘要的二次不可逆哈希和 Torrent 大小)
# 连接到您的 Torrent 的所有 Peers (包括:IP地址、端口号、PeerID、UserAgent(ClientName),Peer协议,Peer总下载量,Peer总上传量,Peer瞬时上传速度,Peer瞬时下载速度,Peer下载进度,以及您的下载器名称)
# 封禁列表
# Allow data submitting
# If this option is enabled (and module also enabled), PBH will generate send data to BTN server including:
# Your torrent lists (torrentIdentifier and torrent size, but not include: info hash, name)
# All peers connected to torrents (Including: IP, Port, PeerID, UserAgent, Peer Protocol, Flags, Uploaded, Downloaded, UploadRate, DownloadRate, PeerProgress, YourProgress and Downloader Name)
# Your banlist
submit: true
# 部分 BTN 实例可能要求您登录验证以确认您的身份或下发不同的配置文件。如果是这样的话,您需要在下面输入凭据信息
# 如果 BTN 实例未要求您登录验证,则通常不需要填写
# Some BTN instance may require your authentication, if so, you can fill the credentials here
app-id: "example-app-id"
app-secret: "example-app-secret"
# 填写实例 URL,您需要自行寻找一个 BTN 实例服务器
# 默认使用 PBH-BTN 社区 BTN 服务器,请前往 注册并获取一个账号
# The BTN instance URL, you need find a BTN instance
# By default, PBH-BTN official BTN instance will be used
config-url: ""
# 是否允许 PeerBanHelper 接收来自 BTN 服务器的 Aviator 脚本
# 请仅在受信任的 BTN 服务器上启用此功能,运行来自未知来源的脚本可能会导致设备遭到攻击
# Allow PeerBanHelper to receive Aviator script from BTN server
# Enable this option only on trusted BTN server, running script from unknown source may cause your device under attack
allow-script-execute: false
# 启用来自 BTN 网络的规则
# Enable the network rules from BTN server, only works when you configured BTN server in config.yml
enabled: true
# 封禁时间,单位:毫秒,使用 default 则跟随全局设置
ban-duration: 259200000