Multi-Dialing Blocker
Some malicious users acquire a large number of IP addresses from the same subnet by using multi-dialing or similar methods.
Although ARB (Automatic Range Blocking) has nearly the same functionality as this module, it only activates when a ban condition is met. In contrast, the multi-dialing blocker actively monitors connected peers without waiting for a ban command.
When the number of IP addresses from the same subnet exceeds the specified threshold and these IPs are connected to the same torrent, subnet banning will be initiated.
If an IP is determined to be using multi-dialing, it will continue to search for all other peers within the same subnet, ignoring cache time limits.
Enabling this feature will consume some additional runtime memory.
Configuration File
# 多拨封禁
# Multi-dialing blocker
enabled: true
# 封禁时间,单位:毫秒,使用 default 则跟随全局设置
ban-duration: 1296000000
# IPV4 前缀长度
# IPV4 prefix length
# IP地址前多少位相同的视为同一个子网,位数越少范围越大,一般不需要修改
# The same prefix ip addresses will trick as in same subnet, usually don't need changes
subnet-mask-length: 24
# IPv6 地址前缀长度
# IPv6 prefix length
subnet-mask-v6-length: 60
# 容许同一网段下载同一种子的IP数量,正整数 (IPV4)
# 防止DHCP重新分配IP、碰巧有同一小区的用户下载同一种子等导致的误判
# The allowed maximum amount of ips in same subnet
# To avoid mistake bans that caused by DHCP re-allocated IPs, or multiple users in same city
tolerate-num-ipv4: 2
# 容许同一网段下载同一种子的IP数量,正整数 (IPV6)
# 防止DHCP重新分配IP、碰巧有同一小区的用户下载同一种子等导致的误判
# The allowed maximum amount of ips in same subnet
# To avoid mistake bans that caused by DHCP re-allocated IPs, or multiple users in same city
tolerate-num-ipv6: 5
# 缓存持续时间(秒)
# Cache life span
# 所有连接过的peer会记入缓存,DHCP服务会定期重新分配IP,缓存时间过长会导致误杀
# All connected peers will record into cache, DHCP may re-allocated IPs.
cache-lifespan: 86400
# 是否追猎
# Keep hunting
# 如果某IP已判定为多拨,无视缓存时间限制继续搜寻其同伙
# If a specific IP flagged multi-dialing, should we ignore the caching span and keep searching other IPs in same subnet?
keep-hunting: false
# 追猎持续时间(秒)
# Hunting time
# keep-hunting为true时有效,和cache-lifespan相似,对被猎杀IP的缓存持续时间
# Only works when keep-hunting enabled, similar as cache-lifespan
keep-hunting-time: 2592000